The exclusive and transferable legal right to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical works is known as copyright and is granted to the original creator for a set period of time. It is a sort of intellectual property that grants its owner the sole authority to copy a creative work for a set amount of time.
Copyrights prevent anyone for a set amount of time from reproducing your work. Once you have that document in hand, it is usually preferable to have your work registered because it can be used as evidence in court if a dispute ever develops.
For unified and effective management of intellectual property in Pakistan, the Cabinet Division established the Intellectual Property Organisation of Pakistan (IPO-Pakistan) on April 8, 2005 as an independent organisation. Under a unified and integrated executive system, the Trade Marks Registry, Copyright Office, and Patent & Design Office were incorporated into the new Organisation.
The Copyright Ordinance of 1962 is the legal framework within which the IPO Pakistan (Intellectual Property Organisation of Pakistan) regulates copyright issues. The IPO’s head office is in Islamabad, and branch offices are located in Karachi and Lahore. The IPO Copyright Office provides services for copyright material registration. Copyright-related items can only be registered if the owner submits an application using the advised procedure. Even if the registration of copyright materials is advised, the IPO Copyright office issues a certificate that is required as the primary proof of copyright ownership before Pakistani courts.
Process of Copyright Registration in Pakistan
Step 1: Filing of Copyright Application
Three copies of the Form-II Registration Application. A copy of the application for enlistment will be sent simultaneously by the person submitting it to any other person who might be affected or inspired by the work’s copyright. Statements of Particulars must be attached to all enlisting applications. This notice will be provided in three copies. For the enlistment of literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, in addition to the Statement of Particulars, a Statement of Further Particulars in triplicate must be supplied. The original work must be copyrighted on two copies.
Step 2: Examination by Copyright Office
When professional services are hired to create a work to be copyrighted, a sworn statement from that expert stating that he has no rights or guarantees with regard to the work to be copyrighted must be presented with the application. Demand Draughts made out to DG IPO will be used to pay the enlistment fee. Candidate will publish a notice in the newspaper and submit two copies of this commercial to the recorder copyrights for the enlisting of aesthetic work. As specified in the Copyright Rules, the advertisement must be placed in the endorsed organisation.
Step 3: Copyright Registration
When the Registrar receives the application, he must enter the work’s details in the Register of Copyrights and grant the applicant a certificate of registration, unless, for a reason that must be documented in writing, he believes that such an entry should not be made in respect of any work. A copyright registration certificate for a work is prima facie proof that the work is protected by copyrights and that the person listed as the owner of those rights is actually the owner of those rights.